The Happy Little Garbage Truck's Teacher's Guide with Vocabulary Cards provides lesson plans in literacy and social skills for special education, inclusion, transitional kindergarten, pre-school and primary students (K-2nd grade).
Language, Cognitive and Literacy
Using a "hands on," multi-modality approach, the students develop:
- Word recognition and writing skills
- Use of higher-level vocabulary from text to describe situations in story
- Develop expressive and receptive language skills in answering
o Who, what, when, why questions
o How to find answers using context clues when engaged in directed conversations with peers and teachers
- Ability to retell story
- Ability to relate story incidents to personal experiences
Social Emotional
Using modeling and games, students will:
- Learn how to identify, recognize and label feelings
- Gain use of vocabulary skills to describe feelings
- Connect with the main character's feelings
- Identify peers as friends
- Play games created to promote collaborative interaction and problem solving skills