Burraco, today, is considered a kind of panacea capable of resolving many moments in social life. For example, an evening among friends, a rainy Saturday afternoon, a day at the beach that's just too sunny, a train journey, etc.
The reason for the boom in this game is probably due to its structure: a game with rather simple rules but also possessing very interesting technical, relational, and competitive aspects. The fact that it is structured as a team game makes it diverse and enjoyable compared to many other card games. The challenge clears the mind of negative thoughts and immerses the players in a relationship-based life that is almost always pleasant.
The classic game is played with four players, not always easy to find, yet two are enough to play one of the most beautiful versions of Burraco. It takes little to get passionate about Burraco, and gradually, with experience, sophisticated gaming strategies are put into action, turning it from a simple hobby into a true passion.
Today, it's also one of the most popular games online where every day many users, both professionals and amateurs, enjoy playing, often leading to new friendships.
There are several variants of the game Burraco. In this book, we will cover the rules of traditional Italian Burraco (for four players) and its variants:
- for two players
- for three players
- for five players
- for six players
The main differences between Italian Burraco and other variants such as International Burraco, Burraco Revolution, and Burraco Champion are also explained.
The intended audience for this book is anyone, young and old, who is approaching the game of Burraco for the first time. The topics are presented in a clear and simple manner, divided into sections that facilitate navigation within the text.
The game of Burraco appeals to a wide range of ages; in fact, it often becomes a point of contact between two worlds: the grandfather who plays Burraco with his grandson.
All of this is possible through its two strengths: the playful aspect as it entertains and captivates, and the educational aspect as it develops skills in concentration, prediction, respect for rules, reflection, problem-solving, etc., which are fully in line with the development of abilities and competencies that today's society demands from each of us.
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Happy reading.