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BooksWagon is Largest and Most Recommended Online Bookstore offering 40+ Million selections.

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!”
- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice.

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Welcome to BooksWagon!
BooksWagon is a brand-new literary universe that offers an enormous selection of books in all genres and categories around UAE. At our online Bookstore, we are passionate about literature and dedicated to providing a diverse range of books for book lovers of all ages. We believe that books have the power to inspire, educate, and entertain, and we strive to create a welcoming and enriching environment where readers can explore new worlds, discover hidden treasures, and indulge in their love for reading.
Our extensive collection features a wide variety of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, biographies, self-help, romance, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and more. We carefully curate our selection to ensure that there is something for everyone, catering to different interests, preferences, and reading levels.

Whether you are an avid or a neophyte reader, we are always available to assist you in finding the perfect read. We are passionate about literature and love recommending books that match your tastes and preferences. We adhere to the ideology of providing a one-stop shop of books for all UAE customers, and we will give you books based on your preferences and recommendations. Feel free to ask us for suggestions or browse through our carefully organized shelves to discover new authors, bestsellers, or timeless classics.

Thank you for visiting our online Bookstore as your presence accelerates our motivation to give our best. We are committed to providing exceptional service, promoting a love for reading, and original books at our online bookstore. Start your reading adventure with us, and let the page’s transport you to new worlds of imagination and knowledge. Thank you for shopping with us!

Ninety-Nine Books Trading LLC,
MF 01, Al Sayegh Building,
Port Saeed, Dubai, UAE
Contact us at 971-50-6120584

We believe in fostering a sense of community and creating opportunities for book enthusiasts to connect and engage. At our online Bookstore, we value the importance of education and strive to support to avid readers. We offer special discounts for schools and academic institutions, as well as a dedicated section for educational resources, textbooks, and reference materials. Our goal is to be a reliable partner in the pursuit of knowledge and learning. We are dedicated to influencing everyone's reading interest in order to bring about a revolutionary transformation in our society.

BooksWagon is a well-regarded and popular online bookstore website known for providing authentic books to customers. We believe in establishing a mutual understanding and healthy relation with our customer by delivering genuine books right at their doorstep. For all ages, BooksWagon has an enormous selection of unique books in a variety of genres and categories. Welcome to our website, where you may take advantage of high-quality services and realize your ambitions!