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Abbi Lee

Abbi LeeAbbi Lee has always found joy within the world of a book. In grade school, she remembers regularly riding her bike to the small town library to check out the next book in the A to Z Mysteries series. With a passion for learning, Abbi pursued her degres in Secondary Education in Social Studies and English and after teaching for a few years, she decided to stay at home with her daughters. From an early age, her girls loved to read so it wasn't long before ideas started working themselves into words on a page. Abbi is passionate about creating stories and embraces the challenge that comes with writing realistic contemporary books for kids. She also works as a part-time copywriter and is an active volunteer within the PTO at her daughters' school.Outside of reading and writing, Abbi also enjoys making (and eating) no-bake cookies, perusing her Julia Child cookbook, and going on adventures with her family. She doesn't like to exercise, but makes time for it anyway... sometimes. Abbi was born and raised in Kansas and has no intention of ever moving away from the state she calls home. Abbi can be found on Twitter @abbilee18 and via her website at Read More Read Less

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Ghost Town Treasure Hunt
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01 Oct 2024
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