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Alexander P Sigrist

Alexander P SigristAlexander P. Sigrist was born in 1983 in a small town in Switzerland, a town inhabited by roughly 700 people and the equal number of cows. He was an unproblematic child who grew up watching Disney and horror movies. He soon discovered his love for teling stories and writing. When other students wrote essays, he wrote novellas, much to the dismay of his teachers, who had to put in extra-work to read his eposes. After years of writing short stories, bits and pieces, odds and ends, he co-founded a theatre-company in 2010 and started producing his own plays. To date, the group has performed five of his plays to much success in Bern, Switzerland. Most of his writing focuses on questions of human belonging and identity - questions of what we do to and for each other. His stories do not shy away from picking up difficult topics and incorporating bold plot points. At the same time, he believes in the power of the whimsical, humour and comic relief. Read More Read Less

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