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Allen Keener

Allen KeenerAllen Keener, OTD, MS, OTR/L, ATP, was a fifth-grade classroom teacher before becoming an occupational therapist. He has practiced occupational therapy in a variety of settings, including outpatient adults and pediatrics, skilled nursing, inpatient rhabilitation, acute care, inpatient mental health, home health, and rehab management. He became certified as an assistive technology professional through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America in 2017 and maintains assistive technology as a scholarship interest. Dr. Keener also holds specialty certifications in online course development and teaching and physical agent modalities. Before joining the faculty at Eastern Kentucky University, Dr. Keener was tenured faculty and director of the occupational therapy assistant program at Wallace State Community College. In 2016, he received the Alabama Community College System Chancellor's Award of Excellence for his work in the occupational therapy assistant program at Wallace State and service to the college. In 2019, he was awarded a National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Award of Excellence for Teaching and Leadership at the annual National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development conference in Austin, Texas. His interests in occupational therapy include but are not limited to occupation-based practice, teaching and learning, and enabling occupation through assistive technology across the lifespan. Read More Read Less

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Occupational Therapy Groups for Addressing Mental Health Challenges in School-Aged Populations
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