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Amanda Trollope

Amanda TrollopeAmanda Trollope or Mandy as she was called by friends and family, being a spontaneous person and trusting in the future, agreed to travel to Iran for a visit, by car. She was newly wed to an irresistible Iranian and was already three months pregnant.
Arriving in Iran, or Persia as it was known in those days of 1964, was quite a shock to the system. However, the hospitality of his family put her mind at rest; they were on holiday weren't they? She was sure she would meet whatever came her way just as she had been taught by her loving parents and would manage. Just the bathroom facilities nearly bowled her over.
Agreeing to stay in Persia put her stamina to test. But with the love of her husband, together they began to build a life.
The difference in cultures was difficult to understand let alone compare. Mandy decided she would concentrate on bringing up her children in love, just as she had been. She wanted to give them all the tools she could, to deal with life's trials and tribulations.
She decided they would bring her husband's two children, of nine and ten years old, to Persia, taking them out of their boarding school in England; where they were desperately unhappy. Mandy could no longer bear to read their letters so full of tears and feelings of abandonment.
The journey to build a worthwhile life together was full of ups and downs but bravely faced. Despite having to share the family home with sixteen other members of his family, they made the best of it and learned a few lessons.
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