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Amélie Durand

Amélie DurandAs far as back as she can remember, Amélie was holding art supplies in her hands. The little girl from Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, painted, drew, and took every opportunity to express her colorful ideas. Her family attended countless presentations ad galleries prepared with her cousins at grandma's house. She and her cousins were proud of their creations, and everyone absolutely needed to see their art!Later on, Amélie participated in several art competitions and was always grateful to see her parents, her little sister and grandma in the front row, cheering her on. She is truly grateful for her family's involvement and support.Once grown up, Amélie chose to study Arts and Sciences of Animation at Laval University, where she specialized in 2D animation. For three years, she abandoned her papers, pens and art supplies while she learned, practiced and mastered digital arts. During her journey, she met many talented artists that pushed her to surpass her artistic interpretation and helped her find her artistic style. She and her colleagues were proud to have had the opportunity to see their animation short nominated in various festivals such as the SWIFF in Canada and in the United States! Amélie is an avid traveler. She walked the Camino de Santiago twice from France. She loves the tranquility of walking alone in the mountains and in fields. She also loves to meet people of different cultures as many have fascinating stories to tell. Amélie finds culturally rich stories truly inspiring. She draws inspiration from her travels to create colorful and nature-based works. Now working as a freelance artist in animation and illustration, Amélie welcomes any and all challenges that keep her artistic creativity sharp! Read More Read Less

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Family is Love
Publisher: Jessie G Hionis
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18 Sep 2023
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