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Annie McDonnell

Annie McDonnellA lifelong reader and advocate for writers and books, Annie McDonnell is an alumnus of High Point University, North Carolina, class of 1991 and a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. In 2006, she entered a contest with "Elle" and became a professional ook reviewer for the magazine. When "Elle" stopped running book reviews in print, Annie moved to blogging and eventually began "The Write Review." After she was declared permanently disabled in 2014, she devoted herself to the literary community and became known as one of its best book reviewers. In addition to book reviews, Annie writes articles and endorsements for authors; conducts author interviews; and consults with authors on promotions and events. In addition, she administers the "World of the Write Review" on FaceBook. What makes her debut memoir "Annie's Song" even more remarkable is that much of it was written since Annie was told in January 2020 that she must go into hospice and was given last rites. An advocate for literacy, animal rescue, and those with disabilities, Annie is in the end stages of Stiff Person Syndrome and has several other rare diseases. Her previously published work includes a poem and an essay in an anthology called "Once Upon Another Time." In December 2020, she was the recipient of the Doug Marlette Award for lifetime achievement in Book Promotion. In February 2021, the Annie McDonnell Book Award was announced, honoring her dedication to the literary community and her courage and strength in battling Stiff Person Syndrome. That same year Annie, who is of Irish and Eastern European Celtic descent, hosted and put together a virtual St. Patrick's Day Parade Book Club Hop featuring authors with Irish heritage. Proceeds from "Annie's Song" will go to One Love Dog Rescue, The Muse Writing Center, the Pat Conroy Literary Center, and the Stiff Person Syndrome Research Foundation. Annie lives in Mastic, New York, with her husband Tom, three beautiful dogs, and five lovely cats. Read More Read Less

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