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Ashley Moye

Ashley MoyeBro. Ashley Moye was initiated, passed and raised in Alvin B. Amos Lodge No. 645, Texas Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliated (PHA) in December 2001. He has visited and worked with Brothers of other PHA Jurisdictions of Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas, Noth Carolina, Oklahoma, Maryland and Washington; and also, the Grand Orient of Italy. Bro. Moye is passionate about the role of Freemasonry and its future. His personal objective is to always be someone's positive and inspiring example of Freemasonry.Bro. Moye advanced through the York Rite in Oklahoma Jurisdiction, PHA, and with a host of great Brothers, reestablished a York Rite body which came to earn recognition at the District and Grand Lodge levels. His Lodge achieved Grand Lodge Overseas Lodge of the Year, and out of 15 Lodges, District Lodge of the Year (2) and Runner Up, and Worshipful Master of the Year (2). He personally restored a Royal Arch Chapter which later achieved District Holy Royal Arch Chapter of the Year. During this same time, his Council and Commandery achieved District Council-Commandery of the Year, Runner-Up and Most Improved. He was elevated to Grand Inspector General of 33⁰ of the United Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliated (TN). Read More Read Less

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