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Carlos Philip Glover

Carlos Philip GloverCarlos Philip Glover is a carrier of ancient wisdom and author of Earth Wisdom for Our Global Crisis. His experience of Earth Wisdom over four decades informs this vital journey of healing for our relationship with the planet. In the 1980s Carlos livd in the Andes and was touched by indigenous teachings for personal development. He also canoed in the Amazon and witnessed rainforest destruction. Returning to the UK he became a passionate campaigner for nature, particularly on rainforests and climate change. At the same time he explored various traditions of self-knowledge.These two strands of inner development and outer activism led Carlos to a question: How can we humans live harmoniously with ourselves and our Earth? When he came across Earth Wisdom Teachings he felt they offered an answer and could benefit our collective destiny. For ten years he took part in annual ceremonies with the First Nations American visionary, Beautiful Painted Arrow. These involved dancing for several days without food and water to explore transcendent states of consciousness. He also trained with various teachers, including the Ehama Institute of New Mexico, qualifying as Council Guide, First Peace Seedplanter and Evocative Leader. He is the Dance Chief for the UK Drum Dance and holds teaching ceremonies for internationally.Carlos draws inspiration from his relationship with the Earth, having travelled and vision quested in woodland, desert, rainforest and seashore. He also loves a good story or joke. He lives with his wife and dog in the hobbit country of Devon, England. Read More Read Less

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Earth Wisdom for Our Global Crisis
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