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Carrie E Pierce

Carrie E PierceCarrie E. Pierce has written professionally for more than 20 years, most of those spent writing acclaimed Health & Wellness articles and books for Midlife readers.While catering to this mature audience, Carrie discovered there was a real need for quaity children's literature that could be enjoyed by parents and grandparents, too, as they read aloud to the youngsters in their lives.Eager to fill this niche, she began crafting quality stories that contain important life lessons, written in a style that doesn't talk 'down' to children but, instead, encourages them to learn new words and ask deep questions as they gain important tools for overcoming fear, pushing past loss and accepting themselves just as they are.Carrie always speaks from experience, with an honest voice that holds nothing back. A red-headed, freckle-faced girl, born in New Orleans and raised in Texas, Carrie found herself looking over fences, gazing at horizons, and wondering what was to be had 'over there.' What adventures were there, just beyond her reach, to be discovered?And she longed and wondered. And then, after much faith, overcoming and effort, she discovered. And felt the urge to share, with young and old, alike.During the course of her life, Carrie has known great highs - and very deep lows. She's attained her dream of working in the Film and TV industry. She's been published many times and has also co-hosted two acclaimed, internationally syndicated radio shows.She's seen dreams come true - and has also walked through very dark times of tragedy and heartbreak.She walked with her dad as he bravely fought Lewy Body dementia - and lost. And just recently, her beloved Mom -and very best friend- succumbed to cancer, dying in Carrie's arms.Awful as these events were, they've provided Carrie with an even richer insight into the human heart and spirit, giving her wisdom and gentleness often lacking in today's world. These qualities are found throughout her books and articles- and are also evident in personal interactions with her.Carrie lives in Idaho, surrounded by good friends, gorgeous scenery, and amazing people. When not writing, she enjoys snowshoeing, gardening, good food and wine - and dancing. When writing, her trusty 20-year-old cat Bluey is almost always to be found snoring on a pillow next to Carrie's desk. Read More Read Less

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Tale of Tommy Tomlinson's Tennis Shoe
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01 Feb 2023
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