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Cecilia (Ceal) D Craig

Cecilia (Ceal) D CraigCecilia (Ceal) D. Craig, PhD, a technology executive in high-tech for over 35 years, now a researcher and Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM) robotics education advocate, is a Society of Women Engineers Fellow and in 2018 was recgnized with a Distinguished Alumni Award for Career Achievement by The Ohio State University College of Engineering and received the SWE Distinguished Service Award in 2024.Craig earned a Ph.D. in Education from Walden University, an M.S.E (mechanical engineering) from California State University at Fullerton, and a B.S.M.E. (mechanical engineering) from The Ohio State University. Dr. Craig held senior technical executive roles in manufacturing and program management for large and small high-tech and aerospace companies. She took a sabbatical from high-tech to teach high-school math and then worked with young people for several years before re-entering high-tech until retiring in 2011 to finish her Ph.D. In 2002, a sixth-grade student in Dr. Craig's first Johns Hopkins University's Center for Talented Youth (CTY) science and engineering class asked if she would include robotics in the curriculum. Using student-made wall-hugging mouse robots for several CTY summers, her passion for STEM education and robotics was born. She and her engineer husband mentored a high-school robotics team, and she has helped bring robotics education and competitions to young people in the Northern California Bay area since 2004. Craig's dissertation study explored how the For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics Competition influenced young women's career decisions. Dr. Craig is a current BOD officer or volunteer in not-for-profit organizations: Society of Women Engineers (local, regional, and national levels), San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society, Western Region Robotics Forum, Silicon Valley Engineering Council, and the American Educational Research Association Mentoring and Mentorship Practices Special Interest Group. She continues to assess and publicize mentoring programs for women in STEM as a peer reviewer for several mentor-related journals. Read More Read Less

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Mentoring in STEM Through a Female Identity Lens
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