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Charlie Vee

Charlie VeeWho would have thought that a mook from Brooklyn would have thought of such a story? But I did, and it's all me. Born in a tough Brooklyn neighborhood, witnessing violence and tragedy, with little resources, I was raised by two loving parents along wth three other siblings. Life wasn't easy, but my parents managed to put us through private school. From first to twelfth grade, I wasn't the best student, but I wasn't the worst. Just up until my last year in high school, where I barely graduated, I had one foot in the streets and the other trying to make something of myself. I finally started working in a jewelry trade as an apprentice for handmade gold and platinum rings. I worked that for about a year until I joined the US Marine Corps. After being injured, I was medically discharged and went back to the jewelry trade. I worked about eleven years at that when I finally went back to school. I graduated with an associate's degree in applied science from the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Then went on to Brooklyn College where I majored in film production but was eight or ten credits shy of graduating. Then my son was born, so I chose to raise him. At the present time, I am going to enroll and finish my BA in film. My ultimate goal is to make at least one major motion picture. Read More Read Less

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