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Christine A Hillegass

Christine A HillegassChris Hillegass has a master's degree in Forensic Psychology from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and a Psy.D. from Rutgers University. Chris received several awards for her work in New Jersey in the sexual abuse field in the 1980's, helpin victims to overcome the societal shame and secrecy that unfortunately still plagues our world today. She worked in the mental health field for over 40 years before retiring from her private psychotherapy practice. Chris is also a talented photographer and has enjoyed capturing the magnificent Montana landscape and the life and culture of New Orleans. She and her husband, Tom Shellenberg, feel it is important to contribute to their Pennsylvania, Montana, and New Orleans communities, and enjoy travelling and spending time with Tom's daughter and her family. Chris and Tom reside most of the year in Livingston, Montana with their pit-bull mix, Cinnamon, who grew up on the Crow Indian Reservation and still doesn't understand the concept of fences. Read More Read Less

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Across the Great Divide
Publisher: Draft2digital
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04 Dec 2023
International Edition
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