Colby MihulkaSince childhood, Colby Mihulka has been captivated by the magical world of books and their ability to transport readers to alternate realms. This fascination led him to the path of creating his own imaginative narratives.When his father pssed on in 2021, Colby's life was profoundly impacted. His response to this loss was to write a story aimed at helping his mother cope with her grief. Colby's father, who at one time was an Eagle Scout, is the inspiration for the character of the old Eagle in The Eagle's Last Flight. Recognizing the universal nature of grief, Colby decided to share his story of an eagle who cherishes the memories of those he loves to offer comfort to those struggling with the loss of a loved one.Colby resides in Bradford, Ontario, with his mother and brother. He is a profound enjoyer of any game, be it virtual or table-top, and always prefers an added challenge so that it forces him to become better than he was. Currently, Colby is working on a multi-novel fantasy series that will include the touch of magic that first inspired him to begin writing. Read More Read Less
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