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Donna Wills

Donna WillsI love animals and have spent my life working with them. They are my world, and I cannot imagine my life without them. Animals have always been by my side, so it was natural that I made them my career. My earliest job was helping my uncle on his farm My first paid work (after the obligatory paper round) was as a Kennel maid, and I loved it. My career path took me to veterinary nursing, where I then found a passion for rehabilitation. As a gymnast I was fascinated by the body's incredible response to healing using exercise. I established Animal Physiotherapy Ltd in 2005 and I love running my own company. Working for myself has led to so many amazing memories, like being the physio for the Pet Spa at Harrods, several TV appearances and lecturing to peers and vets. Most importantly it has allowed me to walk my own path in the veterinary industry, and help and support thousands of animals and caregivers from all over the world. I am immensely proud of that.During this time, I have never lost my passion and love for both the patients and the "pet" parents. Being the care giver for an animal is a privilege, and I am honoured every time I am able to help. As a pet parent myself, I understand the emotional toll that worry for your loved one takes on the mind, body and soul. My life journey has taught me so much about compassion and emotions. We get uncontrollably attached to our best friends, whether they are furry, scaly, feathery or bald and we all walk our own path with our emotions. When I realised my Logan was getting older, I feared his end. I had many years battling with my own pre-grief, whilst supporting others with theirs. I then lost my boy and I had to cope with that indescribable pain. Nearly 2 years after losing my boy and still feeling swells of emotion, I realised it is highly unlikely that I am alone in my thoughts of loss and grief, so long after his passing. I felt a bubbling in my stomach that was only eased by writing. So I put pen to paper to get my thoughts down and that soon became this book. Read More Read Less

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