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Ed McKenna

Ed McKennaLives with his wife in South Lyon, Michigan and has two grown daughters.An avid traveler, he constantly seeks new experiences to fill his short time here on this earth. He tried stand-up comedy twice. Survived a near death car accident and recovered lose to normal, although his family would claim he suffered brain damage. He's parachuted out of six airplanes and off of one mountain in New Zealand. Ran the Detroit Free Press full Marathon-26.2 miles. Grew his hair super long, and also shaved it totally bald. He went through the fertility process and came out the other side with two beautiful girls and his marriage still intact. Was the lead singer in his corporate band, until they eventually brought in real musicians who could really sing. But it was fun while it lasted. He let his brother and his friend climb twenty foot trees, and then Ed chopped them down. He once woke up at 2 am in a bar only to realize he and a friend were locked IN the bar. He and his wife cared for his mother-in-law during the last seven months of her life while she was bedridden due to a brain tumor. The most rewarding experience for everyone involved. He scuba-dived the Great Barrier Reef, Walked the Great Wall of China, and stepped inside the Pyramids of Giza. His best experiences are the one's he's sharing with friends and family. Sometimes, the most enjoyable times are as simple as savoring a beer on the patio with them.None of these adventures compares with the scary proposition of exposing your writing for the world to read. He hopes you enjoy the challenges his characters have to live through. Or die for. Read More Read Less

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Joe Goode: Paintings 1960-2016
Publisher: Kohn Gallery
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25 Jul 2017
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Client Education
Publisher: Plural Publishing
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07 Jul 2006
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