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Eric Buhle Gumbi

Eric Buhle GumbiEric Buhle Gumbi was born in 1962 in the village of uMsebe in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Most of his maze- earmarked some footprints as he walked through the corridors full of hope that things in his life will never remain the sam, but will be uplifted to the better-than-then. I this biographical memoir he worked towards his dream reflecting on his personal encounters in the book form. His love of writing developed from an early school days as an avid reader especially biographies and a range of fiction and non-fiction. His academic journey in dissertation, thesis, book chapters and paper articles pushed his interest towards the fulfilment of the long overdue dream of writing the reflective thoughts emanated from wide experiences and individual encounters in his life especially within the confinements of the then apartheid riddled South Africa. Contained in this book, is a narrative and biographical landscape of experiences hoping that it will definitely capture the love of the entire avid readers and entice them to go with him through the corridors of hope that always unfold in human life, pushing away every barriers for him to cross over dry sands to the superfluous destinies. Read More Read Less

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Corridors of Hope
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23 Jun 2023
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