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Eric G Ansley

Eric G AnsleyEric Ansley is a seasoned creative professional with a diverse background in art direction, design, and production. His extensive experience spans across various industries, including publishing, education, non-profit organizations, and corporate brading.As an Art Director, Ansley has worked on numerous notable projects, such as the first edition of David Suzuki's "You Are the Earth," the "Discover BC" series of booklets, social studies textbooks for British Columbia, Yukon, and Newfoundland, as well as publications like the "Wetlandkeepers Handbook" and "Streamkeepers Handbook" for NGOs.Beyond the publishing realm, Ansley has produced audio-visual exhibits for airports, tourism, and interpretive centers, showcasing his versatility in multimedia storytelling.Leading his own design and production consultancy, Ansley has crafted brand style guides for clients across various sectors, including government, banking, and yes, oil companies. This diverse client base has provided him with a unique perspective on the pervasive influence of the petroleum industry in our society.Recognizing the challenges posed by our reliance on fossil fuels, Ansley felt compelled to publish this children's book. His goal is to educate the next generation about the environmental issues we face and inspire them to take appropriate action. He believes that by acknowledging a problem with optimism and having the conviction that it can be solved, positive change can be achieved.With his wealth of experience and passion for creating impactful works, Ansley hopes to leave a lasting impression on young readers, empowering them to become informed and proactive stewards of our planet. Read More Read Less

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Whoo and the oil dragons
Publisher: Pixelor
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02 Apr 2024
International Edition
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