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Eugene Zamiatin

Eugene ZamiatinEugene Zamyatin was born on January 1st and March 10th, 1937. He has many award-winning novels to his credit, but "We" is one of his best. Zamyatin, whom Mirra Ginsburg has described as "a man of upstanding and inflexible courage," is now considered ne of the first Soviet dissidents due to his continued use of literature to both deride and condemn the Russian Union's executed compliance and growing fascism. He is best known for his highly influential and extensively emulated 1921 dystopian fiction novel "We," which is set in a modern police state. Although he was the son of an Orthodox Russian priest, Zamyatin lost his faith in Christianity at an early age and became a Bolshevik. As a member of his party's pre-revolutionary underground, Zamyatin was many times arrested, imprisoned, beaten, and banished. Nevertheless, Zamyatin has been just as severely disturbed by the policies continued by the All-Union Communist Party following the October rotation as he had been by the autocracy policy of "autocracy, nationality, and orthodoxy." In 1921, "We" became the first work outlawed by the Soviet censorship panel. Eventually, he arranged for "we" to be inserted into the West for publication. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Iboo Press
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