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Fr Goyo Hidalgo

Fr Goyo HidalgoFr. Goyo Hidalgo is a priest in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a singer-songwriter, and a social media evangelist.A native of La Villa de Don Fadrique, a small town near Toledo, Spain, he attended minor seminary as a youth to become a priest,but left after six years. He earned master's degrees in English and Spanish linguistics from Complutense University of Madrid in 1996, after which he traveled to other countries to teach Spanish and English. He eventually became a middle and high school teacher in the Los Angeles, California, area and released two albums of Catholic music in Spanish and English.Hidalgo underwent a radical reversion to the faith of his youth after watching the funeral of Pope John Paul II in 2005 and hearing his famous words: "Do not be afraid."Hidalgo earned a master of divinity degree from St. John's seminary in Camarillo, California, and was ordained to the priesthood in 2016. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Ave Maria Press
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24 Feb 2023
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