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George Zukerman

George ZukermanBassoon legend and White Rock Concerts' Artistic Director Emeritus, George Zukerman, O.C., O.B.C. spent a lifetime divided between concert performance and concert organization, and introduced the bassoon to countless audiences all over the world. In 956, he launched White Rock Concerts while still serving as a member of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and John Avison's CBC Vancouver Radio Orchestra. He maintained the post of White Rock's Artistic Director while simultaneously embarking on a world-wide concert career during which he received wide international acclaim as a virtuoso bassoon soloist and recording artist. He retired from the concert stage in 2012.For many years, parallel to his performing career, Mr. Zukerman maintained an active profile as one of Canada's leading impresarios. He specialized in community organization, particularly for smaller centres. His Overture Concerts organization in its 1970's heyday, presented hundreds of concerts throughout the West and North of Canada. White Rock was one of his earliest community organizations.Zukerman was the first soloist on the instrument ever invited to tour with symphony orchestras and in recital around the globe. Well respected throughout the Canadian music scene, he has contributed, over the past four decades, to the career development of many young artists in Canada. Read More Read Less

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Have Bassoon, Will Travel: Memoir of an Adventurous Life in Music
Publisher: Ronsdale Press
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07 Jul 2024
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