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Gini Chin

Gini ChinGini Chin is an artist, graphic designer, writer (and former snake charmer) in Portland, Oregon, where she is mother to her rescue dog, Minnow. She grew up in Pennsylvania in the middle of Amish country where she never got the hang of pickled pigs fet, scrapple, or chow chow. She does admit though to loving beef tongue, pig intestines and other offal. After getting a degree in graphic design with a minor in French from the University of Oregon, she was a designer for a long long long time. Then, in search for something more, she had a few odd jobs; enucleation technician (removed eyeballs from the recently deceased for corneal transplant), wine bar owner in a remote Washington harbor (a small town with a big drinking problem), dog walker (poop picker-upper).When Gini isn't writing, she enjoys paddle boarding, cooking, making art, and playing the double bass.You can find out more at http: // Read More Read Less

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Beautiful Abyss
Publisher: Gini Chin Writes
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08 Dec 2023
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