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Glen Richard Dahlgren

Glen Richard DahlgrenGlen Dahlgren is an acclaimed game designer and the author of the multiple award-winning book series, The Chronicles of Chaos, which fantasy legend Piers Anthony called what fantasy fiction should be. His debut novel, the Child of Chaos, was the Readrs' Favorite Gold Medalist for YA Epic Fantasy, and the prequel, the Game of War, won the Dante Rosetti Award for YA Fantasy. Glen has written, designed, directed, and produced critically-acclaimed, narrative-driven computer games for the last three decades. What's more, he had the honor of creating original fantasy and science-fiction storylines that took established, world-class literary properties into interactive experiences. He collaborated with celebrated authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman (The Death Gate Cycle), Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time - now a TV series from Amazon), Frederik Pohl (Heechee saga), Terry Brooks (Shannara), and Piers Anthony (Xanth) to bring their creations to the small screens. In addition, he crafted licensor-approved fiction for the Star Trek franchise as well as Stan Sakai's epic graphic novel series, Usagi Yojimbo. Read More Read Less

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House of Prophecy
Publisher: Glen Dahlgren
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28 Aug 2022
International Edition
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