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Glendon Bushong

Glendon BushongHow did I end up writing a book? Well, it all began after a challenging chapter in my life. At the time, I had just turned thirty, going through a difficult breakup, and feeling stuck at a crossroads. I had war on all sides, and it seemed like I was urrounded by problems, with constant calls from bill collectors, failed relationships, no real direction, and chasing endless rainbows with no pot of gold. I was content, not necessarily happy.Then life took a turn when one door closed and another door opened. Suddenly, I was presented with a golden opportunity in the medical field, and I didn't take it for granted. I had to work hard and prove my net worth and earn my stripes. As I did, something started happening beyond my control.I became a magnet for positivity and good fortune. Doors kept opening, one after another. It was like I had a secret ghost key in my pocket. I felt so lucky. But was it Luck? Or did I finally figure out that when my bank account grew, so did my confidence and opportunities in life. A light bulb when off! It finally dawned on me that it all stemmed from the financial stability I had achieved. I was experiencing the Matthew effect, also called the Mathew principle brought by sociologists Robert K Merton and Harriet Zuckerman. The Matthew effect suggests that individuals experience social or economic success based on their initial level of popularity, friends, or wealth. This term draws inspiration from a loose interpretation of biblical scripture (Matthew 25:29) which states: "For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not even what he has will be taken away," essentially meaning "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer."After a couple years hustling in the medical field, I reached a high point in my life for the very first time, I initially felt a sense of accomplishment. At the time, I was earning the top 1% of the world's income. I felt like I was on the mountain top. However, I soon realized, I had just dipped my toes in the waters, only experiencing a small taste of wealth and financial independence. It became clear to me I was on top of a hill, merely reaching a minor milestone and that there were still greater challenges ahead that I needed to conquer. While looking for my next mountain to climb, a friend of mine contacted me and I could tell right away he was in distress. He was facing difficulties in his relationship and his job. He had just discovered that his girlfriend had been unfaithful and wasn't happy with the money he was making at work. Seeking advice, he reached out to me. In that moment, a phrase came to mind, I told him he needed to: "Buy Your Balls Back!" Both of us recognized the significance of this statement. Like a jolt of energy thrusting life into Frankenstein, my Mantra was born. It represented taking control of all aspects of life, including work, lifestyle, and relationships. Read More Read Less

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Buy Your Balls Back
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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06 Jun 2024
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