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Gordon W Corwin

Gordon W CorwinAbout the Author Gordon Corwin II, also known as Lah Ran Ananda, translated literally as 'God Light Messenger', is anative Californian, educated at UC Berkeley, followedby service as a Commissioned US Naval Officer, andby extensive careers in the comuter and real estateindustries. In 1995, Gordon clearly heard Lord Saint Germain'sresounding and mysterious voice from Above, recruiting him toimmediately engage with Ascended Spirit and follow his Soul's calling to reactivate his considerable past life Atlantean DNAchanneling abilities, and to begin walking his Dharma to serveHumanity! As an appointed Masters' Representative, Lah Rahn thenbegan delivering Ascended energies through channeling of theMasters' words and visual media, which would now become hischanged and conscious life path. In 1998 he founded The Lightof the Soul Foundation, a qualified non-profit entity foradvanced Spiritual education and Human philanthropy. Following years of ego-cleansing by the Masters and hisupward movement through Higher Dimensions ofconsciousness, Lah Rahn Ji has, for 25 years now, deliveredclear and engaging channelings in public and private Spiritualevents along with potent and enlightening mentoring of Chelasin The Light of the Soul Vortex in Southern California. In 2007 he was highly honored to be chosen by Lord SaintGermain to be the Ascended Masters' instrument and Partnerto begin, and later complete, this precise and accuratechanneling to Earth of The Saint Germain Chronicles Collection, A Journey Into Practical Spirituality 2008-2014. In 2020 Lah Rahnagain partnered with Saint Germain to author Victory for TheSoul, Relationships that Work, pub 2022, and RISING ABOVE, A Journey Into Higher Dimensions, pub 2022, followed by TRUECOMPASSION, Merging Love Into Oneness, pub 2023, and nowcomes DUALITY, In Perspective, ... all Titles found on Amazon, Gordon Corwin II. Other unpublished channel works includethose from Ascended Masters Quan Yin and El Morya.Lah Rahn aka Gordon Corwin currently lives inOceanside, California and is available for private channelingsand group events, and interviews, as well as public speakingengagements.Contact: Read More Read Less

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