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Harl Vincent

Harl VincentHarl Vincent (October 19, 1893 – May 5, 1968) was the pen name of American mechanical engineer and science fiction novelist Harold Vincent Schoepflin. He was a regular contributor to science fiction pulp magazines. Vincent was born in 1893 in Buffalo New York. He went to a technical high school before enrolling in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Vincent dropped out of RPI before finishing his first year to marry. He married Ruth Hoff, with whom he had two children: a son and a daughter. Vincent worked at Westinghouse as a mechanical engineer, specialized in the installation and testing of complex electrical devices. Later, he worked as a sales engineer, eventually becoming the manager of a local steam division. Vincent began writing after discovering Hugo Gernsback's pioneering science fiction journal Amazing Stories. "The Golden Girl of Munan" was Vincent's first published story, and it appeared in the magazine's June 1928 issue. Vincent published around seventy science fiction stories during the next fourteen years. Despite the fact that the most of his work appeared in early science fiction journals, he was published twice in the general fiction pulp magazine Argosy. Despite the fact that he stopped publishing in the early 1940s, Vincent remained active in science fiction. Read More Read Less

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Harl Vincent's Vagabonds of Space & Creatures of Vibration
Publisher: Spastic Cat Press
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01 Jun 2013
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