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Jakie Ray Spencer

Jakie Ray SpencerJakie Ray Spencer was born the seventh child in his family. He grew up from humble beginnings as a poor African American boy in the Acres Home, Texas, community, one of the oldest black neighborhoods in Houston, where President George H. W. Bush campigned during his first run for public office. The people living in Acres Home faced segregation and hatred as well as the struggles associated living in poverty. As a child he ran through the woods barefooted to school and played with other barefooted children, never knowing they were poor. Jakie was loved so much by his mother, who showed him how to love the Lord God, and to share whatever he could with others who were less fortunate, giving without expecting anything in return.During his long life, Jakie has worked as a dishwasher, mechanic, truck driver, and real estate investor, and has served as president of Majic Reality Inc., Spencer's Notions Inc., and Bayou State Bank Inc. He is also a military veteran who fought in Vietnam. Read More Read Less

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Journey Through The Jungles
Publisher: Nextone Inc
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22 Nov 2022
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