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Jane Hulse

Jane HulseGrowing up in Keene, New Hampshire, Jane Hulse was surrounded by history. From her family's 1795 home, she could see the former tavern where 29 Minutemen rallied before fighting the British at Lexington. With her father, she explored caves that serve as hiding places for loyalists who had been hounded out of town during the American Revolution.After graduating from Syracuse University, Hulse worked for small newspapers in Colorado and then for the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, where she covered major criminal trials. She did freelance writing for the Los Angeles Times and was city editor at the Santa Barbara News-Press. For her leadership there, she was one of six staffers who received the University of Oregon's Arcil Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism, an annual honor for journalists who "report with integrity despite personal, political, or economic pressure." Most recently, she was editor of a Southern California agricultural magazine. Hulse, who has a grown daughter, is married and lives in Ventura, California. Read More Read Less

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Prisoner of Wallabout Bay
Publisher: Fireship Press
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24 Aug 2023
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