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Jennifer P Bedsole

Jennifer P BedsolePrior to settling in Slocomb, Alabama, Jennifer Pauline Bedsole spentmost of her life where she grew up in New England, wishing thecomfort of summer was longer-lasting and the cold of winter lessbitter. Her love for the South was recognized and undenable in 1997when she spent a year at the University of Tampa where she majoredin creative writing. A change of fate put Jennifer's collegiate journeyon hold and led her back up to Massachusetts where she continued hereducation at Northern Essex Community College, never abandoningher passion for writing. Her romance with the South was far from overand in 2018, following her husband's retirement from the military, Jennifer's dream to return close to the Gulf Coast was fulfilled. Withher husband and five children, on 49 acres of flourishing farmland, shefinds peace and inspiration in the warmth of southern life.Currently an English major at Troy University, Jennifer is dedicated to her family, farm life, and dreams of finally obtaining her Bachelor of Science degree in English. Finding successin writing and editing has been a lifelong goal that she is determined to bring to fruition.Her passion for writing is fueled by her desire to inspire and encourage others to experiencephenomenal and infinite depths of emotion.Several of Jennifer's poems were published in Troy University's literary journal, the Rubicon, in2021 and 2022. Other collections in which her poetry has been published include Montage ofLife, The Colors of Life, and VoicesNet Anthology. The completion of her first novel Face to theWind is one of her most significant creative accomplishments, and she is motivated to continuewriting fiction. This historical romance novel, featuring dual protagonists, captures the essenceof the "roaring twenties" amidst the cobbled roads of Manhattan's Lower East Side.The most thrilling and fulfilling part of writing fiction, Jennifer believes, is creating a worldthat seems so real that it is hard to put the pen down and say goodnight to the characters. Sheendeavors to bring her stories to life by rousing the senses and introducing characters thatbecome impossible to forget. Read More Read Less

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Face to the Wind
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21 Jul 2023
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Face to the Wind
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21 Jul 2023
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