John BershofJohn Bershof, MD is a plastic surgeon who has been in private practice for over 20 years. He is the author of numerous medical articles as well as the first general reader textbook of medicine for mobile phones, entitled skynetMD. His passion is to uveil complex science concepts for the reader, fleeced of the jargon that normally terrorizes such books, through an inviting prosy style of wit and humor, interlaced with concentric jumping off points into human history. In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist's scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything. John Bershof lives in Denver, Colorado. Read More Read Less
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