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José Luis Alvarez Tinajero

José Luis Alvarez TinajeroM.Arch, Jose Luis Alvarez Tinajero is an Architect, Educator specialist, Ambassador, Co-Editor and Correspondent of ACTAR Publishers in Mexico, Architecture Curator of ´La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival´. (International Festival of Brilliant Mins), Founder and Director of NODE.
In his capacity as Director of NODE over the past 15 years, he has conceptualized, produced and curated two of the most important events on contemporary architecture in Mexico City; The Progressive Architecture Symposium and the National Kalmanani Prize lecture series (in collaboration with the most important Schools of Architecture). These are the largest and most significant architecture events in the country. He have had the privilege to present six Pritzker Prize awardees including Toyo Ito, Shigeru Ban, Alvaro Siza, SANAA, ZHA and Thom Mayne, in addition to over 80 internationally recognized and highly regarded architects whose ideas and practices have reshaped the discourse of our discipline, including DS+R, BIG, Carme Pinós, UN Studio, Snøhetta, among many others.
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Gilardi House
Publisher: Actar D
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01 Sep 2023
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