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Kerrie Kay

Kerrie KayKerrie Kay makes her writing debut in "Cow Tales: Oakley & the Magical Farm." This story is one close to her heart, as it mirrors her personal experience of sustaining a traumatic brain injury from a car accident in 2020. As time went on, Kerrie's bigest challenge wasn't just overcoming her physical symptoms, but also the emotional journey of losing who she once was and creating a new life. When Kerrie needed it most, she found healing and support in an unexpected place-the cows on her family farm. It was with them that she found connection and joy at the times when she felt the most disconnected and misunderstood.After trying to force healing through many external sources, Kerrie discovered that true healing was something found within herself and nature. This became the inspiration for her first book, as well as the heart behind her wellness coaching business, Rooted Strength Wellness. Kerrie helps women heal through a food-first approach, always pointing them back to their own innate ability to heal through proper nourishment, movement, and connection to nature. This approach led Kerrie to connect with local farmers who use sustainable farming practices that honor both the land and the animals. Read More Read Less

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Cow Tales
Publisher: Landon Hail Press
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03 Oct 2023
International Edition
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