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Khalid Mohammed Khan

Khalid Mohammed KhanProf. Dr. Khan is among the most prominent scientists of Pakistan recognized for his original contributions in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. He established a world-class medicinal and synthetic laboratory at the International Cnter for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, focusing on the discovery of new enzyme inhibitors and other bioactive compounds. He is mentoring a large number of young researchers in the field of drug designing and drug and designing. He enriched world literature with several novel classes of bioactive substances and helped in the development of new pharmacophores. The major emphasis of his work is on the synthesis of inhibitors of clinically important enzymes. In his work, he uses a minimum pharmacophore approach and concentrates on the understanding of the functional profile of the active parts of potential drug candidates. His current research interests also include bioassay-directed isolation of natural products and the development of nano-medicines. Read More Read Less

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Comprehensive Chemistry and Biology of Coumarins Scaffold
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Jan 2025
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