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Mark Buchignani

Mark BuchignaniAn avid reader of literary fiction, fantasy, and science fiction, Mark Buchignani has more 'favorite' authors than he can count, among them George R. Stewart, John Wain, Martin Amis, John Steinbeck, Margaret Atwood, Nicholson Baker, Richard Flanagan.. The tip of the iceberg. Novels of my own began spilling out in 2005, resulting in, among others, MTee's Lament, a twist on a post-apocalyptic tale. Many more narratives followed. Some are published here; others languish behind "fair use" entanglements.

My stuff tends toward societal commentary, presented via normal people who find themselves in unexpected, offbeat, or abnormal circumstances - circumstances replete with threatened or actual upheaval. The choices these folks make move the action forward and expose brokenness in the culture and in the actors themselves.

I'm also a huge Tolkien fan and have written volume one of a loosely-planned five-book set: The Recitation of Ooon. Though in the same genre as Lord the Rings, Ooon is definitely not Middle Earth, and there are no Hobbits. Just people trying to find their way while engulfed in a magical upheaval driven by a clash between followers of the ancient ways and those seeking a new, less-fettered life. The narrator is a thousand-year-old man, trying to see forward, while looking back, as his existence comes to a pre-destined end.

And I have devoured everything Theodore Sturgeon and quite a bit of old school SF. Though I have yet to draft anything within this genre, ideas continually percolate. Read More Read Less

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Superannuated Man
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29 Dec 2022
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