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Matt Beckenham

Matt BeckenhamMatt Beckenham is an author, speaker, and teacher whose desire is to help people discover their identity and design. His work stretches out beyond the four walls of the church and is an invitation to explore the narrative of how a relationship with Gd moves and unfolds in our daily lives.Matt, along with his wife, Trish, are the founders of Greater Things International, which draws people together from all over the world to deepen their relationship with God. With their 30 years of ministry and counseling, they are committed to seeing people live in the freedom of their original design through community and connection.His desire is that everyone would discover the immense love of the Designer and live from His design for us. Over the years, Matt has done this through each of his books, online courses, mentoring, and the Greater Things International podcasts.Matt was born in Australia, where he and Trish currently live, and they have three adult children. Before stepping into Greater Things International, he was in pastoral ministry for 19 years. Prior to this, he worked in structural and civil engineering as a draftsperson and IT Manager.If he and Trish are not in Sydney, you'll often find them exploring New Zealand, a place that has captured their hearts. To be a part of this movement, you can find Matt at Read More Read Less

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