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Melissa Vigil

Melissa VigilMelissa Vigil is a mom to three children. When she is not busy running her kids to various activities, you can find her creating art of all kinds, hiking through the woods, entangled in a heated game of croquet or Risk, or lost in a good book in Freeom, Wisconsin. Melissa has always held a deep appreciation for children's books and realizes the importance they play in a young person's life. She created many books at home when her children were very young for their personal use to help them learn and understand new concepts. Melissa lost her husband to pancreatic cancer in 2018. She and her young children have found throwing themselves into the things they love the most helps them deal with that great loss. Sometimes, it is just as simple as snuggling up together and reading a good children's book. I Wish My Mom Was Here is her first children's fiction novel. Read More Read Less

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I Wish My Mom Was Here
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27 Sep 2022
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