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Mike Stith

Mike StithAfter majoring in Journalism at Kent State University, Mike Stith has spent most of his career utilizing his skills as a writer. In 2008, his mother Mary's health began to fail, and he accepted early retirement from his 30-year professional career tobecome a caregiver for her.

Mike spent hours, days, and weeks visiting Mary in hospitals, nursing homes, and eventually hospice care. He tried every possible way to cheer her up while in pain. One day, running out of things to try, he began asking random interview-style questions about her life experiences, such as falling in love, what life was like back then, favorite pet stories, etc. Others in the room who overheard the questions also wanted to play along. Roommates, friends, and even hospital staff participated.

As he asked questions about their history, stories came pouring out. He often heard the phrase "I wished I would have written that story down." or "I should write a book someday."

Mike realized that people everywhere are eager to share life stories. Furthermore, he has witnessed the positive effect on their emotional well-being and spirit, including his mother. There began a new passion. Since then, Mike has visited many families, retirement communities, historical societies, and senior organizations to help promote the value of guided story sharing.

In 2013, Mike and his wife, Sonja, founded One Legacy LLC, a family-run social enterprise dedicated to sharing the legacies of people of all ages, especially seniors. One Legacy works with individuals or organizations to help preserve precious memories for future generations via story publications or books.

In 2019, Mike met Eugene Verdu for the first time. They spent almost three years collaborating on At Your Service. Eugene's life has been a huge inspiration to so many people in the United States and Belize, and Mike is privileged to be able to share his story. He hopes people will feel compelled to help others after reading this book, just as he and so many others did after meeting Eugene.

Mike and Sonja live in the small town of Oakland, Arkansas. Besides being CEO of One Legacy LLC, he is writing his next book, Broken Collar Mended Heart, The Life Story of Father James Mathew Vargo. Mike helped launch the Uncle Gene Foundation, a public charity founded by Mr. Verdu. He currently volunteers as President of the board of directors of the Love a Senior Company, a non-profit organization based in Pueblo, CO, dedicated to providing programs that celebrate senior-hood around the country. To learn more about Mike Stith and One Legacy LLC, please visit
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At Your Service
Publisher: Friesenpress
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03 Nov 2023
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At Your Service
Publisher: Friesenpress
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27 Nov 2023
International Edition
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