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Miriam A Muldrow

Miriam A MuldrowI was born and raised in Florence, South Carolina, where I learned the values of hard work and dedication early on in life. After finishing high school, I enlisted in the Air Force and became an aircraft mechanic, where I learned the importance of temwork, perseverance, and faith. My military service deepened my relationship with God and taught me to stay resilient even in the face of challenges. I was proud to receive an honorable discharge and accrediting of my 100% disability benefits, which made me feel truly valued for my contributions. Throughout it all, my family has been my center of joy and my ongoing source of strength. Recently, I found myself deeply involved in the global movement of women's empowerment and community building, as a participating member of WombNation. Writing has been both a challenge and a joy, but the ability to share my stories and ideas with others has been an ultimately rewarding experience for me. I am immensely grateful for the opportunities, experiences, and relationships that have shaped my life over the years. My commitment to my faith, family, and hard work remained stable throughout and has been a pillar of strength and constructive perspective for me. They continue to inspire me, every day is a fresh start in which, with passion and commitment, I strive to pursue excellence, make a difference, and, above all, embrace the beauty and fulfilling adventure called life. Read More Read Less

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I Am An African Woman In America
Publisher: Nextone Inc
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08 Aug 2023
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