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Monique L Ross

Monique L RossMonique Ross is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in the areas of grief and relationship. She is a resident of Jacksonville, FL where she graduated from Jean Ribault Sr. High School. She married the love of her life in 1996 and lived lifeas a military spouse for 21 yrs until 2017 when she became a widow. During this time she pursued secondary education earning a Bachelors of Science degree with a focus in psychology. She is a 3 time author, the Founder and President of The LMonique Foundation, a 501 C 3 Nonprofit organization focused on "being a part of the change in narrative of today's youth". Ms. Ross is also the owner of The Carter Ross Institute of Healing and Change, life coaching and therapy center. Through her many travels all over the world Ms. Ross has had the opportunity to work with people from all levels of society. She is a real estate investor and a philanthropist in her community. After overcoming great loss in her life and difficult circumstances at an early age she began to look at death and other hard to deal with situations differently than most. More so from an emotionally intelligent perspective. This outlook on life has made her journey challenging at times but also provided her with the necessary life skills to help encourage and show others how to move forward when faced with traumatic times. As a person she has always been able to inspire others to see the brighter side of life. With a pleasant demeanor, bold beliefs and quit wit she creates a safe space for healthy conversation and understanding. In her free time, she loves to travel, dance, shop and spend time with her children and grandchildren. If you ask her, she will tell you I am just doing what I am supposed to do. But she does much more than what she is supposed to do. She does what is needed from us all and that is show love and compassion to all she meets. Read More Read Less

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Monique's Moments Vol. 1
Publisher: Sh'shares Network
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01 Jul 2024
International Edition
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