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Mushin Ru

Mushin RuMushin Ru is a concept that embodies the principles of mind, body, and soul, representing a state of being that transcends boundaries and unifies all aspects of existence. It is rooted in the understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and he recognition that the universe is a vast, interconnected web of energy. The name "Mushin Ru" comes from the words "Mu," "Shin," and "Ru," which have origins in ancient teachings and traditions from various cultures and religions. "Mu" represents the state of mind that is free from attachments and limitations, "Shin" embodies the understanding of the mind as a primary source of energy and flow, and "Ru" represents the path of discipline, dedication, and mastery. Mushin Ru is a path of self-realization and self-mastery that fosters unity, harmony, and respect for oneself, others, and the universe. It is a journey of aligning mind, body, and soul to transcend limitations and cultivate a state of flow and unity with the cosmos, guided by pure intentions and aligned with universal laws. Read More Read Less

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Arrogance of Humanity. Playing GOD
Publisher: Draft2digital
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03 May 2023
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