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Natasha Benson

Natasha BensonNatasha was born and raised for most of her life in South Africa. Pietermaritzburg, KZN was home. During her father's diplomatic career, Natasha had the opportunity to live in the USA and the UK. As a youngster, Natasha was a rebel, a brat and an Anoexic at age thirteen. She spent most of her teenage years in and out of the hospital, living in a world of obsession and purging rituals. Body dysmorphia plagued Natasha, always focusing on her flaws and less-than-perfect appearance. Natasha still has a long list of cosmetic procedures she might want done one day.After an abusive marriage and subsequent ugly divorce, Natasha's life was filled with anxiety, panic attacks, and a constant need for affection and affirmation from men. Despite her ex-husband's determination to hurt her, Natasha is still grateful to him for two of her three beautiful children.Life has taken Natasha on several detours through make-up, beauty, hospitality, aviation, pregnancy, motherhood, down Singleton Street, and numerous heartbreaks. But through it all, she has constantly believed that Prince Charming exists and has continued to look for her 'Ever after'.Today Natasha chooses health, happiness, fitness and educating others on the importance of self-love and the belief that we are much stronger than our inner demons, provided we make something else more important. Her three children have shown her the importance of life and given her the strength and will to move past and beyond her mental illness.Natasha has studied and practices massage and fitness to help others de-stress, love their bodies, and maintain healthy minds Read More Read Less

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Love, Life & Chaos - Not Just Another Fairy Tale
Publisher: Natasha Benson
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11 Jul 2022
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