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Oisín Breen

Oisín BreenI've never been the best at précis, I must confess, but the long and the short of it is my work often errs towards the long-form and the experimental. My debut, Flowers, All Sorts in Blossom, Figs, Berries, and Fruits Forgotten, gathered largely ravereviews in several countries, and it is indeed of the experimental form. The work here continues that trend with a piece detailing from several perspectives and multiple temporal instances the wholeness of a life of a mother figure as she is seen by others in youth, age, and death. Praise for the Author "Oisin Breen is writing at a pitch few other poets of his generation can muster. The dynamism and control of register, rhetoric, rhythm, is consistently a marvel. These are tremendously exciting poems. The work here is strange and startling - you are never sure where you are, or what is coming next. The poems stretch on to widen the possibilities of what a poem can be. Yet there is a grounded authenticity and emotional surge to the writing. They sweep you up in their flow, in their swerves, in their arch playfulness, in their abrupt intensity. The effect is invigorating and deeply affecting. Lose yourself in these poems and you will not forget it." - Alan Gillis, Poet, and Professor of Modern Poetry at Edinburgh University. "Oisín Breen's collection honours the tradition of Irish poetry. He weaves lyrical beauty through mythology and nature, presenting compelling poems which are both intelligent and emotionally charged. A powerful and intense use of language challenges and delights. Breen harnesses the craft of imagery to impressive effect." - Róisín Ní Neachtain, poet, artist, and editor Crow of Minerva. Read More Read Less

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Lilies on the Deathbed of Étaín and Other Poems
Publisher: Lulu Press
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01 Jan 2023
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