Books written by Ph D Ven Stephen Adedotun Adesanya

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Ph D Ven Stephen Adedotun Adesanya

Ph D Ven Stephen Adedotun AdesanyaVenerable Stephen Adédọtun Adésànyà, Ph.D, an archdeacon emeritus, is a wellknown voice, teacher and an avid writer who has written extensively in the area of Pastoral Psychology, Care, and Counselling. He was ordained in Ijebu diocese in the Curch of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). He lectured at Archbishop Vining College of Theology, Akure, Nigeria and later served in the Church of England dioceses of Southwark, Ripon & Leeds and in Lancashire until his retirement from full-time incumbency. He presently holds PTO in The Diocese of Liverpool.Stephen is the author of numerous books including, The Caring God; The Sexes under God; A Useful Visit; A New Understanding; Marriage is a Nest not a Net; Your Manifestation of Purpose; A Shepherd's Journey; and Fragmented yet One. He is particularly interested in how Christian discipleship clarifies social justice for the present age. His aim is to support diverse ministries for the attainment of social justice based on the Gospel. He presently curates' relational experiences and presence via God's world sharing talents for renewal with those in the crossroads of deprivation, perseverance, restoration and exploring counselling and theological understanding as platform for cross-cultural dialogue. Read More Read Less

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