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Ramona Soojun Lee

Ramona Soojun LeeRamona Lee Soo-Jun is a German-Romanian novelist and screenwriter currently based in London. Born on July 5, 1997, in Sindelfingen, Germany, Lee grew up in Holzgerlingen, Baden-Württemberg and moved to Timișoara, Romania in 2007, where she graduted with a pedagogy degree in primary education, elementary school education, and teaching English as a foreign language. Lee moved to London in early 2019 to further pursue a career in writing and film.In 2012, Lee wrote her debut novella "Destinul unei Flori de Primăvară" (The Destiny of a Spring Flower) in 28 hours, at the age of 14. By the age of 19, Lee had published 11 books.Starting with her first publication, she adopted the pen name "Lee Soo-Jun" to fight against racism, due to many publishers rejecting Asian character names. Once she turned 18, Lee legally changed her name.During the launch of her first "Agent 00" volume in 2015, Lee was named Romania's first martial arts-action novelist.Although she lives up to her name as an action author, Lee has published romantic comedies, psychological dramas and fantasy novels.Her screenplay based on the crime-action novel "Kung Fu Bodyguard" (originally printed in 2017 & relaunched in English by BearManor Media, US in 2019) has been nominated multiple times at international film festivals.Lee joined the indie film world in early 2020 by founding "Action Lee Entertainment Ltd."In late 2021, Lee helped launch her mother's debut picture book, "Ciupercuța Baby Oko" (Oko the Baby Mushroom), which is dedicated to children diagnosed with cancer. Lee is currently working with private sponsors to spread Baby Oko's joy around childhood cancer rehabilitation centres across Romania. Read More Read Less

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June Storm
Publisher: Action Lee
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07 Feb 2023
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June Storm
Publisher: Action Lee
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07 Feb 2023
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