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Shelby Gene Amons

Shelby Gene AmonsAuthor's BioGene Amons is a recovery leader, speaker, and author who, in his own words, "wanted to just write a few thoughts down one weekend." He serves the recovery community of central Louisiana and his message is for the poor in spirit, the brokehearted, those held captive, those who can't see their way out and the hurting. Gene is known for combining heavy messages of recovery and homespun humor with the heart of a servant. The message contained within his books began as experiences in his own walk with Jesus. It all started in a little town with a new preacher who was not afraid to love others like they were his best friend. Gene caught this contagious love for people and the Lord led him to this method of recovery which is rooted in the bible down to a cellular level. May the Lord use this book to further spread the love of Christ as many heal and recover from a spiritual state of hopelessness.Gene lives in Hickory Grove, Louisiana and celebrates recovery every chance he gets. He has two grown children and three grandchildren. May we cross paths down this joyful road of life. Read More Read Less

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10 Nov 2023
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