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Sriyanshi Gyawali

Sriyanshi GyawaliSriyanshi Gyawali is a Nepali-born Canadian teenager. Born in Bhairahawa, Nepal, on 08 December 2009, she migrated to Canada with her family when she was 22 months old in 2011. Currently, she lives with her family in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.

When she was 5 years old, she started writing diaries, and journal, and was motivated to continue writing. Gradually, she started reading fictions, and got inspirations from characters, plots, setting in many fanfictions that she read.

Positive inputs from her teachers, and motivation from her parents she developed an inner urge to write a book and started her first book. As the writing progressed, she really developed a deep connection to the story that she developed and finally she was able to finish her first book - The Dark Secrets of Unnem.

Now, the writing has become an integral part of her passion to pursue her dream come true. In addition to writing, her hobbies are reading, drawing, playing instruments (such as the Violin).

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Dark Secrets of Unnem
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26 May 2023
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