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Teresa M Beck

Teresa M BeckTeresa M. Beck is Managing Shareholder for the Nevada and Arizona offices of Klinedinst Law. She is also active in diversity and inclusion efforts across the country. Ms. Beck's firm represents small and large businesses, governmental entities, and idividuals in a variety of matters including employment-related matters (administrative and litigation, with emphasis on representation of employers), contracts (from leases to product sales, and many more), civil litigation of all types, general advice, business disputes, products liability, premises liability, insurance coverage analysis and representation in bad faith and declaratory relief actions, catastrophic personal injury, and more. The firm maintains offices servicing southern, central and northern California, the State of Nevada, the State of Arizona, and the States of Washington and Oregon. Ms. Beck is licensed to practice in California, Nevada, and Arizona.
Biography of TERESA M. BECK, Partner: Born Santa Ana, California. Admitted to California Bar (1990); U.S. District Court (Southern District of California) (1990); admitted to Arizona Bar (2005).
Preparatory Education: San Diego State University (B.S. 1986). Legal Education: University of San Diego (J.D. 1990, Magna Cum Laude).
Memberships: Vice President, Board of National Conference of Women's Bar Associations; San Diego County Bar Association; Claims & Litigation Management Alliance, Construction and Retail, Restaurant & Hospitality Committees; American Bar Association (member of the Woman Advocate Committee), and co-chair of the Work/Life Management Sub-Committee of the Woman Advocate Committee); San Diego Defense Lawyers; Lawyers Club of San Diego (founder and former co-chair of the Professional Advancement Committee and former co-chair of the Balance Committee); California Women Lawyers (former chair of the Gender Equity Committee); Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, Inc. (Former Board Member and Chair of the Professional Women Alumnae for Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary).
Legal Practice: Extern to Justice Howard B. Wiener, California Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District (1990); Internship and Clerk for Office of the United States Attorney, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (1986-1988); Associate with Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos (1990-1997); Partner with Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos (1997-2018); Cochair of CA Litigation adn Chair of AZ Litigation for Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney (2018 - 2021); and Managing Shareholder of Nevada and Arizona Offices/Cochair of DE&I for Klinedinst Law (2021 - present).
Summary of Legal Career: Since beginning her legal practice, Ms. Beck has both litigated and supervised the litigation of hundreds of civil cases, including complex matters, class action suits, insurance coverage, personal injury, and employment, including all phases of litigation, up to and including appeal, in state and federal court. Ms. Beck is also general counsel for many companies and in that capacity provides legal advice on a wide range of topics. Ms. Beck has resolved numerous disputes short of litigation for her clients in this capacity, through strategic handling and targeted negotiation.
Leadership: Ms. Beck is President-Elect of the National Conference of Women;s Bar Associations, and Co-chair of the ABA's Woman Advocate Committee's Book Committee. Ms. Beck is an active mentor of the newer attorneys in her firm, particularly women and minority associates, is active in leading numerous legal organizations (see memberships above), and is active in a variety of non-legal community roles, including diversity and inclusion efforts (San Diego Diversity Council and National Diversity Council), church youth groups, Youth Theater, and many others.
Speaking Experience: Ms. Beck has given seminars and has spoken in numerous contexts including human resources matters, investigation of claims, report writing, and OSHA standards, among many other topics. Ms. Beck is often an attendee and speaker at the risk management meetings of various clients and assists in developing risk management strategies. Ms. Beck also regularly speaks to specialty bar groups on the topic of managing the legal profession and a family, and professional advancement.
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