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Vaughn Carter

Vaughn CarterVaughn Carter is a teacher and consultant, and the author of Help Me, I'm Stuck. He is passionate about the power of the right mindset to change the course of a person's life, and he channels this passion into his writing. His work explores strategie for changing your mindset to pave the way for success in any field, with a particular focus on women. Vaughn has always been passionate about helping others and is driven to help other people cultivate a positive attitude and improve their lot in life. Throughout his professional life, he has always sought to boost morale on both an individual and team level. He is comfortable with using his own experiences and reflections to make others feel safe and help them make improvements in their own lives. Vaughn has a firm belief that every experience is valuable, and that sharing them allows us to learn from each other to facilitate personal growth. In his work as both an educator and a consultant, he strives to learn from everyone he meets, feeding this back to others to allow them to benefit from a range of different experiences. As the youngest of five children, family is important to Vaughn, who learned from those closest to him the importance of sacrifice and giving. He is a very sociable person and loves nothing more than to spend his free time with friends and family. Read More Read Less

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Twentieth-Century World
Publisher: Cengage Learning
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01 Jan 2011
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